In English
JYTAKSI is a local and safe taxi in Jyväskylä. We are taxi service and marketing company that is fully owned by local taxi entrepreneurs. We provide a 24-hour service seven days a week. The aim of our company is to offer reliable and safe taxi services to all customer groups in our operating area. Our operating area covers the City of Jyväskylä (excluding Korpilahti) and Muurame.
Fare calculator
You can use our fare calculator to estimate the cost of your taxi ride. You can find the calculator here.
Taxi order
Telephone numbers
Taxi Service 0100 6900
Jyväskylä, Muurame
Telephone charge: 2.37 € / answered call + 1.52 € / min + local network charge /
mobile phone charge
You can use the JYTAKSI APP to order a taxi in Jyväskylä. You can download the app from App Store or Google Play Store. Ordering a taxi through the JYTAKSI APP is easy, reliable and fast.
Taxi order from abroad
When you are abroad you can use the JYTAKSI APP to order a taxi in advance or you can call us to +358 100 6900. You can download the app from App Store or Google Play Store. Ordering a taxi through the JYTAKSI APP is easy, reliable and fast.
Download free from the Google Play or App store
Also available in English!
Taxi Fares
Start fee
Mon-Sat 06-18 and public holiday eves 06-18
5.18 €
Other times
9.12 €
Tariff 1 (1-4 passengers)
Mon-Sat 06-18 and public holiday eves 06-18
1.30 € / km
1.03 € / min
Other times
1.42 € / km
1.03 € / min
Tariff 2 (5-8 passengers)
Mon-Sat 06-18 and public holiday eves 06-18
1.86 €/km
1.03 €/min
Other times
2.09 €/km
1.03 €/min
Other surcharges
Advance booking charge (1-4 passengers)
5.70 €
Advance booking charge (5-8 passengers)
11.40 €
2.90 €
Large objects
3.11 €
The total price of the taxi journey is based on the initial charge, the kilometer charge and the minute charge. The fares shown are the maximum price the driver will charge.
The duration and price of the journey can be influenced by other traffic. Prices include VAT 14 %, unless otherwise stated. When packages are transported in the taxi without a customer traveling in the car with the package, VAT is 25.5 %.
If the taxi you have ordered does not arrive in a reasonable time, or if your pre-booked taxi has not arrived by the agreed pick-up time, please contact our customer service immediately by calling +358 14 3710211 (local network charge / mobile phone charge).
Order terms
Through Jyväskylän Aluetaksi Oy you reach over 150 local taxi entrepreneurs who are recognizable in traffic from pink JYTAKSI-markings. Jyväskylän Aluetaksi Oy is in charge of receiving the taxi order, and dispatching the order to the local taxi entrepreneur. The taxi entrepreneur is in charge of the execution of the taxi order and of the service while in the car. The information of the taxi entrepreneur can be found inside the car and on the receipt.
Jyväskylän Aluetaksi Oy is not in charge if there are no available cars in the area, and thus cannot dispatch the order to the taxi entrepreneur.
If the taxi you have ordered does not arrive in a reasonable time, or if your pre-booked taxi has not arrived by the agreed pick-up time, please contact our customer service immediately by calling +358 14 3710211 (local network charge / mobile phone charge).
It is possible to cancel the taxi order, if the order has not been dispatched to a taxi entrepreneur. If the taxi entrepreneur has received the order, the driver is allowed to charge the initial charge and the minute charge from the customer, depending on how long the driver has been waiting. You can cancel the order by calling our customer service, +358 14 3710211 (local network charge / mobile phone charge).